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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Got Ink?

Tattoos have became a trend lately. I don't really care but i think you have to get a tattoo... have a meaning behind it. I decided to break down the meanings to my ink. Well lets start with the name on my chest. Has to be the stupidest tattoo I have (no offense mom). I was young and naive and just got a tattoo for the hell of it. Rita happens to be my Mothers name, was i gonna forget it? So i needed a reminder haha... My second tattoo started as one thing and turned into a sleeve on my leg (i dunno the proper term for a leg sleeve... am i supposed to say a pant leg?) I get stopped a lot for that one. Its a silhouette of Los Angeles and a Hollywood Hills skyline with a pair of praying hands and my favorite scripture with a cross behind it which reads "Even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me- Psalms 23: 4." When i was drawing this tattoo up i wanted it to represent my roots in LA and love for the city and my acting and modeling career. I also added the scripture and hands to show that i believe in God and that there is a Heaven and I'm not afraid to show it. My most recent tattoo would have to be the Koi Fish down my side. This one has a strong meaning also. Koi fish tattoos of course have a long history and go all the way back to ancient Japanese times and it is a definte Japanese or Asian tattoo theme. For the Japanese koi fish represent strength and power because they are often able to lift their entire body up and jump out of the water. Therefore the tattoos that represent koi fish often show them splashing in the water and water flying everywhere which shows of their strength. I have endured a lot of struggle in my lifetime so i drew this one up to represent my achievement to overcome. The Kanji letters say Strength God & Achievement.

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